Saturday, May 8, 2010


Pics of our tour group

This is the group of people who had to suffer through Vanessa and my company for a week. . .we actually got really really lucky. They were a fantastic group of people.

This is our group with the Setswana at our camp in the Delta.

Bernie and Sam. Totally cute couple.

Sara with Mufaro and Jay.

Paul and Sarah.

Paul and Vanessa.
Mufaro, Bec, Jay, and Paul.
This is the group of us who went bungee jumping with our arms inked up with our weight and jump numbers.

Videos from the Okavango Delta

This is how we were transported from island to island and to our swimming hole while we were in the Delta. By far the most relaxing and enjoyable mode of transportation ever. Oh how we miss our mokoro.

On our last night in the Delta, we were lucky enough to get to see the Setswana who were with us in the Delta dance and sing. This was our favorite dance - a courtship dance. It's a little hard to see because the only light is the fire, but hopefully not so hard that you can't make out what is happening.

Vanessa took this video from the front seat of the plane as we were lifting off for our tour of the Delta.


The last two days of our vacation were spent in and around Addo Elephant Park. On the second day there we rode and fed elephants. They are such amazing creatures. Here we are on our elephants.

Here are our elephants at their watering hole.

Here is Vanessa on her elephant.

Here's Sara feeding her elephant, Duma, which happened to be the dominant elephant in the group. Ha!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Garden Route!

Sara rode an ostrich! Ha.
Even Vanessa got on one! This is our friend Jay, a Brit, who ended up hitching a ride with us on the Garden Route. This pic was taken after Vanessa asked him to "look British." This is, apparently, a very British pose. Nice.
We went skydiving! This is Vanessa getting suited up.

Vanessa coming in for the landing.

Sara's view while skydiving over Plettenburg Bay, South Africa. Gorgeous.

Okay. So while on the Garden Route, we randomly came upon THE South African Elvis competition. Which we, of course, then attended. We came. We danced. We spent quality time with Elvis impersonators. It was epic.

The winner of the South African Elvis competition is on the left of Sara in this pic.
This is the view from the port of Cape Town with Table Mountain in the background.