Sunday, April 25, 2010

Botswana's Okavango Delta

On our organized overland tour from Johannesburg through Botswana and on to Victoria Falls, one of the major components was a two and a half day camping experience on an island in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. We were transported to our island in the mokoros (canoes) you see below. This was the mokoro "port" where we started our trip.

Local girls monkeying around at the mokoro port area. Cute.

Vanessa chilling in our mokoro on our way to camp.

Our Pola (mokoro "driver" if you will), Kila, is on the right. The Pola on the left is an amazing singer. One of the nights in the Delta we were treated to an evening of traditional song and dance and she ruled the school. I even got to dance with her. I am EXTREMELY happy Vanessa failed to capture that on her video camera. It was a debacle.
We had two "trackers" accompany us on our game walks. They were amazing - the reason we got to see so much wildlife up close and learn so much about the flora and fauna of the Delta. This is one of our trackers, Partner, holding up a bison skull.
Vanessa walking with zebras on one of our game walks. Check out that butterfly on her shoulder!

Sunset on the Delta. I took this picture on our game walk where we saw our first of the "Big 5" Africa wildlife - elephants.

We went on a sunset cruise in our mokoros. This was our view on the way back to camp.

Another of the amazing views from our mokoro.

This is an example of what life in many of the villages in Botswana looks like. This is a hut in the village outside of the mokoro port, where many of the Setswana who serve as Pola for the tours live.

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