Monday, April 26, 2010

More Botswana

After we left the island where we spent two and a half days, we went on a plane ride over the Delta. Vanessa, who hates flying in planes, was a champ. We saw our first hippos on this flight (although we saw many more up close later). The crew from our tour group on the flight was Paul, Sarah, Vanessa, Sara, and Jay. Paul and Sarah are two of the nicest Aussies one could ever hope to meet. Jay is an amazing Brit who has done more in his 27 years than most people pack into two lifetimes. We have met some fantastic people on this trip!

Vanessa sitting next to the pilot on our flight.
The view of the Delta from the plane.
On the road from the Delta to our next destination, a herd of elephants were just hanging out next to the road.
We went on a sunset cruise on the Chobe River. This is us with our friend, Sarah, from the tour. Our boat captain, Rambo, was a lot nicer than he looks in this picture.

This was our first opportunity to see hippos very up close and personal. They were everywhere on the cruise. We also saw a lot of avian wildlife, baboons, crocodiles, monitors, kudu, and impala on the cruise. Sunset over the Chobe River.

Our last game drive (and the only one we did in a vehicle - all of the others were hikes) was in Chobe National Park, where we saw lions for the first time. They were so amazingly close to us. This one is on alert after a warthog was silly enough to cross its path. She was on the hunt. We also saw a lot of baboons, kudu, impala, a giraffe, warthogs, bison, and tons of birds on the game drive in the Chobe. Here is a baboon with her baby. They were probably about 10 feet from us.


  1. These pictures are amazing. Thank you.

  2. Deirdre took the words right out of my mouth. AMAZING! I hope you'll make us picture cd's or dvd's when you get home. What's the weather like?

  3. I love the elephants! Did you use a zoom, or were you that close - I don't even want to think about how close you were to the Lion!
