Monday, April 26, 2010

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Our last stop on our overland tour was Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has only been recently visited by tour groups since March of 2009, when the unity government formed, the political situation calmed down a little bit, and the new Finance Minister changed the currency code - now Zimbabwe does not have it's own currency, but uses U.S. dollars, South African Rand, or Botswana Pula. The country has been in utter turmoil for 30 years of Mugabe's rule but it is a beautiful country and hopefully destined for greatness again someday. This is a picture of Victoria Falls - one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Miraculously, I was able to convince Vanessa to bungee jump in Victoria Falls. Unfortunately, we can't yet download the pictures of her jumping, but here's one of me getting ready to make the leap. BUNGEE!We went to an interactive drumming and dancing dinner in Vic Falls. This is Vanessa's best warrior pose. Please note: this was after a two hour "booze cruise" along the river. This day was unbelievably fun. Sara and our Aussie "mate," Paul - I think this was taken while on booze cruise. Yeah, that would make sense.Sara, Vanessa, and Sarah at the interactive drumming/dancing dinner. We ate, we drummed, we danced.


  1. What did it feel like to fly through the air like that? Did you get to enjoy the view as you flew through the air?

  2. It felt amazing. I had this problem whereby I kept looking around at the gorgeous view and my head would get jerked back to reality by the bungee. I still got to experience the beauty of it all, though.

  3. Bungee jumping in Zimbabwe? You're FAR braver than I am. It doesn't even look like they pushed you off the platform (as they often do)!

  4. Wow! that bungee jump looks so incredible. I think I would have sh*t myself but well worth change in clothes. ...Vanessa now you must go on a hike with me fearless of alligators. No excuses!

  5. I was pushed, Sara jumped on her own. I certainly didn't trust the guy operating the bungee which is why the push was more of a shove. That said, we are in route to the highest Bungee jump in the world-twice the distance of Victoria Falls and I will do it on my own goddamnit!

  6. OMG you guys are freakin' amazing!! What an adventure!!

    I'm really glad you have each other and would never feel the need to invite me on one of these adventures...I'd have to wear depends the entire time :)

  7. Nice to see you're having such fun!

    George & Ian
