Saturday, April 17, 2010


Today we went on a tour of Soweto, South Africa. We went from very depressed areas (seen in the picture with the port-o-potties in the forefront - these are the only facilities that exist in these areas) to what our tour guide called the "Beverly Hills of South Africa," where we saw houses belonging to Winnie Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu. Sadly, the "Beverly Hills of South Africa" looked pretty depressed to us as well - fortified walls and spiked fences abounded throughout. The smokestack - looking structures used to be a power generation plant for Soweto, until the level of pollution it was emitting was discovered - now it's a place where tourists can bungee jump. We decided to pass on that bit of adventure for the day. We also saw the site of the 2010 World Cup (last picture). Oddly, one of the most interesting things we noticed was how clean all the cars in Soweto are. People take exceptionally good care of their vehicles. Car washes dot the landscape and people everywhere were outside washing their cars. Vanessa and I felt slightly ashamed thinking about our dirty automobiles back home. Tonight we met the rest of the group that we'll be living with during our overland tour for the next week. All Australian. Vegimite! Bring it on, Aussies. We're not sure when we'll have another chance to update the blog. Until next time - word up from AFRICA!!

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